Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unit 6 Activity 3

Unit 6 Activity 3: Power over Media Enhancements
As editors exercise their ever increasing power over information control, what limits would you impose on them as to the extent to which they can manipulate the photographic image? Devise a series of guidelines that will control the release of images that have been constructed for media use so that the public are aware as to the extent of the manipulation.
Here are the guidelines I would establish to limit the amount of manipulation of photographic images.

  • No editing or changing body types. 
  • No slimming a model down, no creating skinnier arms or legs or smoothing out wrinkles or curves
  • Only foundation and other make-up products can be used to enhance a models features, no computer editing of skin, etc. 
  • Merging pictures for a commercial use should not be allowed
    • Photomontages should be allowed artistically or for political use only if there is a disclosure that states the image has been tampered with
  • Using another persons work and making small changes should not be allowed unless permission by the original artist is given
  • The basic integrity of the picture should be preserved!!!

Headline: "Shark Attacks Helicopter"
... but does it really?

Original photographs:

See more photo manipulations here

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