Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unit 6 Activity 2

Unit 6 Activity 2: Photomontage

Capitalism With Its Friendly Dean Acheson Mask - Alexander Zhitomirsky 1952

     This political photomontage was created during the Cold War, a time when Zhitomirsky "employed the imagery of the surreal to evoke a world of false facades and hidden conspiracies, where the world of capitalism lurks behind a friendly mask..."
      I think this is a very effective expression of the message Zhitomirsky is trying to convey. You have to do a double take to fully grasp the concept of this image, but once you look at the growling wolf and the fact that it lays underneath the mask, it is easy to understand the deception Zhitomirsky is trying to capture.
      The most apparent technique that was used to create this photomontage was "Seeing through the lies." This image invites the viewer to "look behind the surface or see through something to gain greater insight into the truth" (Chapter 6).

Global Warming - Voice in the Dawn Design 

     A popular and somewhat controversial political topic is seen above in this contemporary photomontage which shows the struggle of global warming.
     This montage effectively conveys the struggle between fact and fiction when it comes to global warming. The artist utilizes a strong emotional appeal by using calming blues and purples, as well as using a young girl to be the face of the problem, evoking strong emotions in the viewers.  
     Some techniques that were used to create this photomontage include contrast and exaggeration of scale. In this, there is a very apparent difference between the water and ice and the dried out desert. The girl also stands out int his montage because of how big she is compared to the rest of the scenery.

Check out the "Capitalism with its friendly Dean Acheson mask" photomontage here! Learn more about Alexander Zhitomirsky and his work.
Check out the Global Warming photomontage here!

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