Friday, October 26, 2012

Unit 4 Activity 4

Unit 4 Activity 4: Slow Shutter Speeds

Photo by flamed; check it out here

     This picture is a great use of a slow shutter speed. The main focus is of the woman standing still while a subway train flies by. The train is completely blurred, giving the illusion of movement. While the woman may be standing still, it still feels as if you can see the train speeding past her yourself. 
     The slow shutter speed requires a smaller aperture hole, or a larger f-stop number which gives the photographer free range with the depth of field. They are no longer limited to subject matter because they can reach their subjects from pretty much any distance. 
     Some of the technical difficulties that they may have encountered could have been camera shake. Using a slow shutter speed is great, until the still image that you want becomes blurred in the process. The photographer may have used a tripod in order to keep the camera stable while taking the picture.

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