Friday, August 17, 2012

Unit 2 Activity 4

Unit 2 Activity 4: Symmetry and Asymmetry

This photo clearly represents symmetry. If you were to cut this photo in half, both parts would be a reflection of the other. Symmetry creates a type of balance that is aesthetically pleasing to the viewers eye.

by ~fragilereality on DeviantArt

This picture by ~fragilereality is an excellent example of asymmetry. The photo carries a heavier weight on the bottom right, as opposed to being exactly balanced liked the photo above.

My examples :)

Rule of thirds: The palm trees are in the right third of the photo and are the dominant factor in the image.

Asymmetry: There is an uneven weight in the image of the bag on the left and the stack of notebooks and folders on the right. 

Fill the frame: The cookies completely fill every part of the frame, leaving no negative space. By coming in extremely close, you can see details of the cookies that you wouldn't be able to see from far away.

Center of focus: By taking the picture in a reflective surface, I was able to center myself with the pool and trees in the background, but the main focal point is still me in the middle of the photo.

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